Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Slithering SAM!!!

Welcome back Folks! A hurray for the exams that got over. My last ever Quarterly. No regrets and am not looking forward to any more. Didn't expect any Hols, still they gave us this week off. No regrets again.

Yesterday, I was in my room reading Kane and Abel, when this uncle who lived next door banged on the door. Me and ma bro hurried out and saw that he'd come in some sort of anxiety and pointed over to our EB box. There he was! Mr.SAM. Saw the three of us and moved elegantly to the side of our house. Well over 5 feet long and the uncle was sure it was a cobra. Boy, was I excited! Ran into the house to fetch ma camera. By the time, Sam had already found his way to our backyard and was exploring the rose bushes and was slithering to and fro. Went straight to the terrace(safety you see) and clicked him. Got a pretty good shot. Meanwhile the truth seemed to dawn on Sam. There was just one way into our house and he had to take the same way out. BUT, he'd been spotted by the three buggers and they were blocking his way(atleast that's what he thought)! Fear came over and after roaming about, Sam found a nice cool Hollow Block and managed to curl himself into it.

(There he is!)

We (the buggers), called up the Emergency Snake Helpline(never knew it existed until yesterday), set up by the Coimbatore City Police and reported the matter to the officials. A waste of a call. They said they were away; Didn't have vehicle... and such crap. We called up the neighbours who brought with them some hope and courage for the three of us! Feeling like Snake Shyam(very famous snake expert of mysore. There's a Documentary bout him made by Discovery. Check it out), I took an old walking stick and climbed onto the compound wall. I am very talented at walking and even running along compound walls after ample experience from bets with my bro and cousins. Another uncle came with me, and the two brave warriors went to face the wrath that Mr. Sam had to offer. The others kept a watch for us from the terrace. Took the two of us over 45 mins to make Sam lift his head out and peep at us. He came out with a hood, that I'd only seen in TV before! Boy, what a sight! Flicked out my cam and took that great shot.

After a bit of water spraying and things he found his way out into the wilderness where he belonged. I already started missing him. Poor old slithering SAM, what is gonna happen to him? I don't know. Don't wanna guess. Let me believe he's happy with others of his kind. I'll remember him for the rest of my life.

Everything's now back to normal and even the gap under the gate through which Sam came in has been fixed. So, Life does go on...


mechtech said...

Too much publicity for this snake man!!!!!!! Good,at the same time i appreciate your situational captivity....

Arjun said...

Thanks :D

sathish balaji said...

great man ....i think u move things more technically...tat's all made the way 4 the dreadful snake...nice but actually i xpected more on tis awful incident...

Arjun said...

Thanks da... Me too expected more from Rajapandian sir about your yester's "Bracket Bracket". LOL

sathish balaji said...

i think u may njoy the same kind of situation in the cumin days...LOL but i do not xpect my friend to xperience tat kind of situation....but tis is unxpected from u.....

sathish balaji said...
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SM said...

Whats the emergency snake helpline number?...We have quite a bit of snake incidents here but haven't been lucky enough to spot a cobra..Nice pics!

Unknown said...

i was elated wen u wrote the aricle on 'slithering sam". quite similar to the poem snake in ur 12th english text. guess a sign 4 u to go through ur text buk! ha ha!
ve heard "wise ppl think alike "
wise ppl xperience alike" is new..

Arjun said...

@Sandeep : You can get the snake helpline from 100 or 101.. They'll connect you.. Thanks.

@Uma : Nice pudhu mozhi.. was surprised myself.. when u took 'snake'. A week after this happens and a similar story... GR8.

Ashmur said...

Arjun has personified himself as a hero here. But in reality, he is far from it when it comes to snakes. Read my blog to know one such 'brave' act of his. But i have to agree that he is the best when it comes to walking on compound walls. For that i salute you. Anyway, nice post bro. Surely we can't forget Sam. Nice name, by the way.

Arjun said...

Dad's old Reliance mobile had this version of Nokia's 'Snake' called Slithering Sam.. I kinda mastered the game and adored it. And hence.. the title.